Home Call of Duty: CDL Atlanta FaZe Roster, Gameplay, and Strategy

Atlanta FaZe Roster, Gameplay, and Strategy


Atlanta FaZe is one of the most prominent teams in the Call of Duty League (CDL), known for their high level of skill, strategic gameplay, and consistent performances. Formed as part of the inaugural CDL season in 2020, the team has quickly become a powerhouse in the competitive Call of Duty scene. This article delves into the current roster, gameplay style, and strategic approach that makes Atlanta FaZe a formidable opponent.

Current Roster

As of the latest season, the Atlanta FaZe roster comprises a mix of seasoned veterans and rising stars. Here is a breakdown of the key players:

  1. Chris “Simp” Lehr – An exceptional talent known for his precision and aggressive playstyle. Simp is often the playmaker for FaZe, making crucial plays in high-pressure situations.
  2. Tyler “aBeZy” Pharris – Renowned for his lightning-fast reflexes and SMG (submachine gun) prowess. aBeZy is the spearhead of FaZe’s aggressive pushes.
  3. McArthur “Cellium” Jovel – The flex player who can adapt to various roles and weapons, providing the team with versatility.
  4. Alec “Arcitys” Sanderson – A seasoned veteran and the main AR (assault rifle) player, Arcitys brings stability and strategic depth to the team.

Team Gameplay

Atlanta FaZe is known for their aggressive and fast-paced gameplay. Their strategy revolves around rapid map control, precise coordination, and relentless pressure on opponents. Here’s a closer look at their gameplay style:

  1. Aggressive Map Control: FaZe excels in securing key areas of the map quickly. Their players are adept at winning early gunfights and establishing control points that allow them to dictate the pace of the game.
  2. Coordinated Pushes: One of FaZe’s strengths is their ability to execute coordinated pushes. Players like Simp and aBeZy often lead the charge, with Cellium and Arcitys providing crucial support and covering angles.
  3. Dynamic Playmaking: The flexibility of players like Cellium allows FaZe to adapt their strategies mid-game. Whether it’s switching roles or changing tactics, this dynamic approach keeps opponents guessing.
  4. High-Pressure Plays: FaZe thrives under pressure. They have a knack for clutching up in high-stakes situations, often turning the tide of matches with critical plays.

Strategic Approach

Atlanta FaZe’s strategy is a blend of individual skill and team coordination. Here’s a breakdown of their strategic approach in various game modes:

  1. Hardpoint: FaZe focuses on early rotations and holding power positions. Their objective is to control the spawns and maintain a strong presence in the Hardpoint area, maximizing points and minimizing enemy control.
  2. Search and Destroy: In this mode, FaZe’s strategy revolves around information gathering and precise execution. They often employ a mix of aggressive and passive plays, keeping the enemy team off-balance and exploiting any weaknesses.
  3. Control: FaZe’s approach to Control involves a balance of offense and defense. They emphasize taking control of key zones quickly while maintaining a strong defensive setup to prevent enemy advances.


Atlanta FaZe’s success is a result of their exceptional roster, aggressive gameplay, and strategic depth. Their ability to adapt, coordinate, and execute under pressure makes them one of the top teams in the Call of Duty League. As they continue to evolve and refine their strategies, FaZe remains a team to watch in the competitive Call of Duty scene.


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